The boy who lives. Scarred by an unforgettable night, this child has grown to be one of Howarts most popular kid in school. With the help of his friends he soon discovers that he is more than just a well known student. From quidditch to dementors, no one can stop him from doing what's right.
One of Hogwarts brightest student. You will see her hand up for every questions in class. Make sure to stay on her good side otherwise she might leviosa you out the door.
You will recognize him everywhere with that bright red hair. This Weasley student may not be into books but he has the guts of a mighty Gryffindor.
With the family name under his belt Draco does not fall short of a Malfoy. Blonde hair, a fancy wardrobe and intimidating friends. Don't mess with this boy.
Known to be the Potions Master, Professor Snape of one of Hogwarts best. Loyalty is his game and love is his priority. It may not seem like it but read the entire book and find out.
The notorious Black. Banned to the Prisoner of Azkaban, this gentleman has many secrets throughout his Howarts days.
Not a lot to say about Bellatrix, but she is a very dynamic person. Do not trust her, but admire her style in duels and her loyalty to her lord.
"He who must not be named"
One of Howarts greatest Head Master. He is responsible for defending the castle from treat even if it cost his life.
Break the rules and this professor will give you the punishment. She can be a little lenient sometimes specially if you're saving the world.
One of the few that can wield the Sword of Gryffindor. Despite his history, this student has conquered his fears and has saved the day multiple times when he is needed the most.
Quiet and very reserve. Luna is the pride of Ravenclaw. Don't let her appearance fool you though.
These Weasley brothers can make you magically laugh every moment they are around. They left Hogwarts riding a dragon fireworks to follow their dreams.
He is Hogwarts giant keeper. He lives in a small cottage outside of the castle with his dog, Fang. His heart is as big as his height, maybe even bigger.
"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf!"